Saturday, November 04, 2006

late post, dry toast, party ghosts

late post!

it's 6:50pm and i'm just now starting this edition of

learn-a-little saturday!

am i honestly expecting people to be sitting home reading this on a saturday night?

no; but i already got several reeds telling me they looked for a new post today before i got a chance to. curses!

well, i have a good excuse: i was making a costume for a halloween party i'm going to tonight.

i know, i know: it's after the fact. but i got a kick-ass costume:

metal man! from mega man 2.

(pictures to be posted tomorrow).

now onward towards learning. today's lesson:


that's where me and a few good reeds are about to go eat. you know, a while ago i noticed the similarities between the name "applebees" and the fruit and insect whose names make up the restaurant chain.

therefore, whenever i inquire friends if they would care to join me on a tasty excursion towards this bar n' grill, i always ask:

"wanna get stung?!"

what is this teaching you? well, about colloquialism, of course. and even more-so, a sub-genre of that: slang.

slang terms have been around as long as conventional language. some terms stick around long enough to be considered a permanent part in a language; others fade away like disco music, or parachute pants.

one permanent aspect of language is that it is always evolving. sometimes for ease of the speaker, sometimes due to foreign influence.

or sometimes, because YOU GOTTA GET STUNG!


catch you reeds tomorrow. have a great saturday.

(sunday's will be better. i promise).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe... when is sundays blog going to be up :-(

ingest frequently