Thursday, November 09, 2006

what nursery rhyme cures a hangover?

top o' the mornin' to ya, reeds. it's thursday, november 9th, and i'm sending out an APB on frowns with today's installment of tiny damaged notions! is doing some site maintenance. oh no! how am i supposed to post picture things and then say word things about them?

i know: i'll sign up for a account. sorry, photobucket, but the blog must blog on.

everyone break out your recorders, because google's changing everything we know about our old favorite nursery rhyme:
what?!? ok, ok. so let's see how this changes the rhyme:

three blind mice, three blind mice
can see where they run, can see where they run.
some scientists transferred eye tissue
from newborn to adult mice.
it lets the blind mice detect the light.
they're three formerly blind mice.

yeah. that's still just as fun for the kids. led me to an article by the new york times that looked interesting, especially given the fact that it is thursday, or "college party night":
Some Types of Alcohol Cause Worse Hangovers Than Others...Experts say that the type of alcohol you drink does make a difference, but for various reasons.
(the new york times, "")
so i should pick up some grey goose and quit slumming it on rubbing alcohol. check.

apparently, "the drink that produced the most hangover symptoms was brandy, followed by red wine, rum, whiskey, white wine, gin and vodka."

hmm. interesting. and hey, look! they even gave me a nice little illustration by leif parsons to explain the whole discovery:
so the next time you go out drinking with the agonized figure from edvard munch's scream, and your unusually broad-shouldered, stiff-necked dork friend, if the agonized figure orders some red wine, he'll probably have a worse hangover than captain dork, who'll safely order a glass of urine.

wow, thanks for the heads up, leif! eat that bit of victory, hangover-stopping pills.

i decided to jump on wikipedia to see if anybody added their own interesting ways to cure a hangover, and boy, did i find some good ones:
(all excerpts below from, "")
Mixing in a tall glass two raw eggs with pepper, tabasco sauce, and gin...Colloquially known as a "Prairie Oyster."
i don't even know what to say besides "yum!" this cure's got it all: raw eggs, tabasco sauce, and even more alcohol--in this case, gin!

of course, some people say that's just not going far enough. that's why those people must have posted this next cure:
Drinking more alcohol...a well-liked remedy.
nothing like a shot to cure that hangover. i know when i'm hungover after a night of drinking, the first thing i want while nauseated with a pounding headache coursing through my being is another drink!

sorry to keep it short today, peoples, but it's time i head out to class. that means that the post time of this is a lie! between working and creating this blog, it has past from 8:32 to 11:18am.

what a great utilization of time!

tomorrow's wiki-licious friday! chris-reed gave me a topic, but fear not! if any of you reeds have topic ideas write them down in a comment. it can be anything at all, from egg-beaters to poland spring, to "satisfaction."

have a great thursday, reeds. the next round is on me.

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