it is sunday, november 19th, and i just got back from some holiday shopping (hooray for holidays!). welcome to a brief sunday installment of tiny damaged notions!
many reeds do not even know i do this on weekends. so i figured i'd start out with expectations low, and then wow you all with an amazing post! (that last part is still in the works. keep your fingers crossed)
naqi-reed, who knows a thing or two about that whole medical field himself, responded to the sneezegasm issue presented a couple days prior:
i have a feeling that dr. rich is getting rich off of his rich descriptions of sneezegasms. in reality, his statement is not really an answer to anything. sneezing is *not* like an orgasm. different neuro pathways work for the two. BUT people have been known to sneeze in *response* to orgasms, so i guess therein lies the folly. [ladies, i'm not really this big a nerd in real life, i swear.]i believe you, naqi; about the nerd thing that is. as for your science-loving answer of "different neuro pathways," well, i'll take your word for it. however, i do have one question for you then, mr. negative-pants: how come i find nothing more arousing than a well-crafted sneeze?
(is it getting creepy yet?)
and no, i'm not just "a weirdo with an extremely odd fetish," so don't even go there. why don't you go tell the pornographic publication "scarlet sneezegasms" that they're not related. hmmmm?!? see what they say!
(ok, now it's creepy)
in other news, people are apparently appalled by o.j. simpson's book "if i did it," which "hypothetically" describes the two brutal murders many believe him to be responsible for. there's an online petition, which i signed (being one of those appalled individuals) at a site called don' the sites asks its visitors to,
sign the petition below and let it be known that you do not, and will not, support any entity that assists and encourages a murderer to profit from his crimes. By signing the petition, you are sending a message to the people that are profiting themselves and who are helping a killer spew his verbal garbage and continue to disrespect the memories of Ron and Nicole and ALL victims of crime.makes sense. don't support a murderer gaining profit from his crimes. check.
(Don', "")
that means all you reeds should cancel your holiday orders of dingo boots too.
hey, check out what i found on's news section!
the word "typo" is used in informal speech, and is short for "typographical error." a typographical error is defined as:
an error in printed or typewritten matter resulting from striking the improper key of a keyboard, from mechanical failure, or the like.thanks! you're the best.
(, "")
now, i abhor typos due to the way they butcher language; however, at the same time, i find them funny! look at how cute that is: they forgot the space!
for your amusement, i went on a lengthy search for good typos, and thanks to, i found this little bit of typo-fun:
A round of applause, then, to Reuters, who manged to take the typo to new levels today, with an online article about the genetics of honey bees which claimed that Queen Elizabeth lays up to 2,000 eggs a day. Somehow, every time they meant to refer to the queen bee, the phrase 'Queen Elizabeth' was substituted instead.amazing! and they even had a picture up. check it out:
(, "")
it can happen to anyone really:
alright, well that's all for today's TDN post. so i guess it wasn't that brief after all! i guess instead of disappointing everyone, i've just shown how big a liar i really am.
win some, lose some, i suppose.
have a wonder-tastic sunday, reeds! i'll see you bright and early for tomorrow's installment. gO m4K3 5Om3 7YpO5 phOR M3H
(and i don't really have a sneezing fetish. i swear!)
1 comment:
The great thign about the OJ book is its something we can all get behind. Aside from maybe Club a Baby Seal day, I can't think of an idea that would be mroe universally reviled.
Think about it. Really think about it. the exists not a greater idea for us all to cross our arms, cluck our tongues and agree that "this, this is wrong."
I love it.
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